Tuesday, December 24, 2013

One, Two, Threeeeeee!

These little cuties were 100% ready for their family portraits last week.  They sat so nicely on the rug and got all cuddly and sweet together.  Then I picked up my camera and heard a chorus of "CHEEEEEEESSSSSSE".  And the image on the back of my camera was full of three adorable, but completely cheesy grins.  Cute for a frame or two but this was not going to work for the whole session when I wanted natural happy faces to capture this family {and because I'm pretty sure that these lovelies don't walk around saying cheese when they are happy, I imagine lots of giggles that turn the corners of their mouths up into wide beautiful smiles}.  So I asked them for a little help, I couldn't remember how to count, could they remind my how to count to 3 so that everyone knew when the lights were going to flash.  From then on, each image was preceded by a new chorus of "One, Two, Three!" followed by some of those happy giggles in their sweet little voices.  Much better!  And I'm sure that will help Mom get some less cheesy pictures of her girls on Christmas day.

This time of year I get a lot of calls asking about openings for extended family portraits since everyone has their family in town for the holidays and I just love being able to capture that for clients!

Merry Christmas to all of you!  Hug those families tight, tell them you love them and enjoy each and every moment you have with them.  Make memories- and for goodness sake- have your camera close by to capture them!  God Bless!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Why what I do is SO important...

I knew this day would come sometime in my career as a photographer.  I had just hoped it wouldn't come just yet.  I had to print a portrait for a memorial service and my heart is heavy.  The father of one of my brides finished his 2+ year long battle with esophageal cancer yesterday.

I remember the twinkle in his eye as he walked her down the aisle on her wedding day and his willingness to do whatever was needed to make sure his little girl's day was special.  He adored his three children and they returned that adoration and love whole heartedly.

They came to see me again in the fall of 2012, after his first round of treatment for some updated portraits with him and as a way of showing their gratitude for each and every moment they had together.

And I saw them once more this fall you can see some of those images in this blog post.

This is Mark's Memorial portrait.  That same twinkle in his eye that I remember from his daughter's wedding.

This family reminds me of the true value of professional portraiture.  They remind me of what is important to each family I work with, what is important to my own family.  I know that my family wants pictures of me, of me with them, of the special moments that we share.  They don't care if I've gained 5 lbs (or 10 or 15), they don't care if I've put my make up on or wrangled every stray hair back into place.  They love me just the way I am and they love the time we have together and they love having pictures to remind them of all those happy times.  This family makes me wonder, how will my family be reminded of me when I'm gone?  Have I gotten into enough of the photographic memories?  Can we EVER have enough pictures of the ones we love?

Hug the ones you love.  Take advantage of every single moment.  Make memories and photograph them- get in the pictures yourself!  Your family will thank you for it, I promise.

My thoughts and prayers are with Elizabeth, Brittany, Derek and Jason as they face the challenging days ahead.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Ho Ho Ho... Little Santa Baby

Here is a little something to make you smile.... This handsome little man was just way too adorable!

The best gift of all...

Isn't there something extra special about a new baby this time of year?  Christmas is a celebration of a special new baby, a gift to the world.  What a perfect reminder of that when I held this precious little gift last week!

Big sisters adore her too.  They are so sweet with her and couldn't wait to show her off to me.  These girls make my heart happy.

Merry Christmas and congratulations on your new gift.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Christmas cuties...

I had a few lovely little ladies come see me last week for some Christmas portraits.  The littlest was a little under the weather but she still had some smiles to share with me.

We even got one of the moms in on a few with her girls too.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Still going strong @ JP studio!

Usually by this time of December, I'm really winding down for the year and until a couple of weeks ago it looked like this year would be the same.  And then the phone rang, and rang, and new emails came in!  It has been a wonderful surprise to have the holiday season last a little longer this year!  Here is another great looking bunch that came in for some holiday portraits to use on their Christmas cards.

And to be sure they get cards in time to send out for Christmas, I'd better get back to designing!  Merry Christmas!


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Baby boy...

Scheduling itty bitties for their first session can be a bit tricky because they have their own idea of when they will enter the world. This little man arrived a few weeks early so when he came to meet me for the first time he was already 4 weeks old.  Not quite the squishy, sleepy, posable type of baby I'm used to for a first session.  He was so snuggly and in spite of being sleepy, he tried awful hard to keep one eye opened just a tiny bit in case he were to miss something.  After a few sips from the bottle and cuddles in front of the space heater we did manage to get him to that milk-coma and ready to work.

He is one lucky little guy to have such a caring big sister.  She couldn't wait for pictures with just the two of them and just HAD to see them on the back of my camera before they left.

I always say that having portraits made is such a personal experience and I think that is especially true when families come for a new born session.  I get to see how a family interacts both in front of the camera and while they are waiting in the wings.  Dad quick with the pacifier or bottle, Mom close at hand to ensure Baby is safe and warm, big sis excited to show off her new little brother and to show how helpful she is.  Welcoming a new baby is such a special time in the life of a family and I am so very blessed to see it in such an up-close and personal way!