Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Lovely young lady...

I get so excited when I have a senior coming in for their portraits and Ms Jasmine is a perfect example of why!  First of all- they are so excited to have their senior portraits done which makes my work feel much less like work.  2nd, I am continually impressed by the young people that pass through my doors!  Bright, self-assured, talented, kind-hearted people with big plans for their futures.

We had Jasmine's consultation way back in the spring so it was great to spend more time with her and her mom in the studio and as we wandered around a few of my favorite spots.  She isn't much of a nature dweller so we pretty much stuck to buildings and alleyways.  She is so sweet and happy that she had a hard time keeping a straight face when I felt the location and pose needed a serious, sassy expression but she did manage to pull it off for a few.

Thanks for spending your Saturday afternoon with me!   I hope you had as much fun as I did.  I'm looking forward to showing you the rest very soon!

If you haven't booked your senior session yet, what are you waiting for?  Still plenty of times open for you to have your own consultation and get your session on the calendar but you'd better call very soon!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Beautiful baby girl!

I have been so excited to meet this little one!  She was a perfect little lady for her first portrait session.

She was pretty bright eyed at first so we had to coax her into dream land.  But once we got her there, she was up for pretty much any pose I folded her into.

And it was such a beautiful evening that we decided to move outdoors for a different look.  She truly is a living doll in the vintage doll bed I found at a yard sale awhile back.  Perfection!

Congratulations again, Amber & Matt!  What a sweet little blessing, I couldn't be happier for all of you.