Tuesday, December 24, 2013

One, Two, Threeeeeee!

These little cuties were 100% ready for their family portraits last week.  They sat so nicely on the rug and got all cuddly and sweet together.  Then I picked up my camera and heard a chorus of "CHEEEEEEESSSSSSE".  And the image on the back of my camera was full of three adorable, but completely cheesy grins.  Cute for a frame or two but this was not going to work for the whole session when I wanted natural happy faces to capture this family {and because I'm pretty sure that these lovelies don't walk around saying cheese when they are happy, I imagine lots of giggles that turn the corners of their mouths up into wide beautiful smiles}.  So I asked them for a little help, I couldn't remember how to count, could they remind my how to count to 3 so that everyone knew when the lights were going to flash.  From then on, each image was preceded by a new chorus of "One, Two, Three!" followed by some of those happy giggles in their sweet little voices.  Much better!  And I'm sure that will help Mom get some less cheesy pictures of her girls on Christmas day.

This time of year I get a lot of calls asking about openings for extended family portraits since everyone has their family in town for the holidays and I just love being able to capture that for clients!

Merry Christmas to all of you!  Hug those families tight, tell them you love them and enjoy each and every moment you have with them.  Make memories- and for goodness sake- have your camera close by to capture them!  God Bless!

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