Sometimes things just don't go the way we plan. This little miss, didn't have the morning she hoped for when she met me at one of my favorite spots to mark her 3rd birthday. She had just come down with a cold and a case of shyness. When the tears started, I knew that we were not going to get the portraits her mom had hoped for. This is all we got that morning:
Still, I love it. This is what we all want to do for our little ones when they don't feel well. I'm so glad I was there to capture this mother-child moment because this is truly what it is all about for us moms!
So we scheduled a 2nd attempt for when she would feel better and changed the location to her back yard where she would feel a bit less shy. See that cute bench in the back ground above? That was my hope for the session. When I arrived at her house a week later, she told me she did not want to sit on my bench! Point taken, I was no longer the planner for this session. And sometimes that is just fine, sometimes the plan of a 3 year old is just the way to capture the real essence of who they are.
We still had some moments of shyness:
But most importantly we played! And that is when this little beauty's personality really shined.
I love when little ones come 'play' with me and my camera! It helps me hang on to my inner child just a bit, something that I think about a little more in the fall because that is when I lose just a little more of my youth each year. Thank you Miss P & Mom for that little breath of fresh air and for keeping me on my toes! Oh, and for the Chai and chat at the coffee shop too!