It has been hard to find the time to capture my little ladies at the ripe old age of 5 and a third years. But last Thursday everything fell into place, nothing on the calendar, the girls were in the mood, they were excited to wear their Easter dresses and let me fix their hair, a friend let me have the keys to her studio for the day- I just couldn't let the opportunity pass me by. Grace & Sarah rocked it for the camera and for the first time since- well... EVER- I had a pretty stress-free photo shoot with my girls. We actually had fun! Usually they are by far my most difficult subjects but they gave me these moments as an early Mother's Day gift. I could not have asked for anything better, my heart is full and I am so blessed!
I've had a 10x20 frame for about a year now & have been waiting for the perfect picture to put in it. I think I'll have a hard time deciding between these two: